Membership Fee: AUD50 per year – No Other Fee/Commission
(For Brides/Grooms living in India - AUD25 per year)

About Us

About Us is a service oriented secure matrimony website to connect prospective Indian brides and bridegrooms living in Australia, NewZealand and other countries. People in India, Sri Lanka and other parts of the world are also welcomed to register and find matching marriage partners in Australia.

A key objective of the website is to maintain strict confidentiality in handling personal details of brides and grooms. Parents can register their children’s profiles with full confidence that their details will only be seen by other registered members with matching profiles.

This website is registered as a business in Australia and run by a family with sincere intention of helping other families.

Key Features of AusIndiaMatrimony (Australia India Marriage Services)

  • The profiles in our database are NOT available for public viewing.
  • Only registered clients with MATCHING profiles can view other party’s details (except contact details).
  • Contact phone and email are exchanged only after one party expressed interest and other party accepted
  • All new profiles are checked manually for data validity and completeness before accepting registration.
  • Photos are NOT essential for registering a profile. Photos can be exchanged directly between parties later.
  • If you are unable to complete the registration at once, you can still save what you have typed and finalise your registration later.
  • A small membership fee (AUD$50 people living in Australia and other countries outside of India and Sri Lanka to cover the costs of website development/maintenance and admin.
  • People living in Sri Lanka and India only pay AUD 25 per year. 
  • Safe and secure site.


If you have any queries, please contact


Ms. Angel Ram  MEd, GradDipEd, PGDipComp, Bsc

Director - AusIndiaMatrimony

email:  [email protected]   

Phone:  +61 (0415) 150 483 (m) / 61-07-5627 3205

Australia India Marriage Services is a Division of HelloQld Pty Ltd

ABN 96633625564




Complaint Handling Process

Last Updated: 15 July 2024


We always aim to provide a high standard of care in all our services.

Our customers’ views are important to us and help to ensure our services are consistently meeting people’s needs. If you are unhappy with any of our services it is important that you let us know.

This Complaints Policy is in addition to our Website Terms. The Website Terms will prevail to the extent of any inconsistency. This Complaints Policy is also in addition to any rights you may have at law.

Personal Safety

If your complaint relates to the personal safety of yourself or another individual, we strongly recommend that you immediately contact police, a law enforcement agency or an appropriate support person.

We may also refer complaints about a user’s conduct to police or law enforcement agencies if we have reasonable grounds to suspect that unlawful activity has occurred or is likely to occur.

Making a suggestion

You may wish to suggest improvements to our services. Anyone receiving services, and their friends and family, may make a suggestion.

You can make a suggestion by:

  • Sending an email to AusIndiamatrimony; or
  • Using our comments or suggestion boxes on our website

Making a complaint

We aim to handle complaints quickly, effectively and in a fair and honest way. We take all complaints seriously and use valuable information from investigating to help us improve the service we provide. We treat all complaints in confidence.

AusIndiaMatrimony assures clients and their families that it will not withdraw or reduce services because someone makes a complaint in good faith.

Who can complain

Anyone affected by AusIndiaMatrimony can make a complaint.

A representative may complain for the affected person if they:

  • have died
  • cannot make a complaint themselves, or
  • have given consent for the representative to act on their behalf.

If you do not want to make a complaint yourself and you do not know someone who can talk or write to us on your behalf, we will be happy to find someone from an independent organisation to act as an advocate for you.

How you can make a complaint

You can complain:

  • by telephone or
  • by email.

Where someone complains orally, we will make a written record and provide a copy of it within 3 working days.

Your complaint should contain as much information as possible, and the information that you give must be accurate and not misleading. If you do not provide sufficient information, or provide information that is false or misleading, we may not be able to investigate your complaint.

Anonymous complaints

We deal with anonymous complaints under the same procedure; however it is better if you can provide contact details so we can tell you the outcome of our investigation.


We will provide as far as is reasonably practical:

  • any help you need to understand the complaints procedure; or
  • advice on where you may get that help.

How we handle complaints

We will acknowledge a complaint within 3 working days and give you the name and contact details of the person investigating it.

Where possible, we will keep you informed about the progress of the investigation. We aim to have all complaints resolved within 28 working days unless we agree a different time scale with you.

When we have finished investigating, we will arrange to meet with you to discuss the outcome, and write to you with:

  • details of the findings;
  • any action we have taken; and
  • our proposals to resolve your complaint.

In some circumstances, it may not be possible to discuss the outcome of the complaint investigation with you.

If we determine that activity the subject of a complaint is in breach of our Terms, we may take appropriate action under our Terms, which may include suspension or termination of a user’s account on our Service.

Time limits

You should complain as soon as you can after the date on which the event occurred or came to your notice. If you complain later, we may not be able to investigate properly. But we shall also consider whether you had good reason for not making the complaint sooner and whether, despite the delay, it is still possible to investigate the complaint effectively and fairly.

Further steps

At any stage during the process, if you are not happy with the way the service is dealing with your complaint you can contact AusIndiaMatrimony or any relevant ombudsman or complaints body.


The collection of personal information is handled in accordance with our Privacy Policy

Updates to this Policy

We may update this Complaints Policy at any time by posting an amended version on our website. If you have an account with us, you may also receive a notification within your account.